Subsequent events in Kobe-shi Higashi suma elementary school・その後の神戸市東須磨小学校

Hello. Everyone! I read about the following situation in Kobe-shi Higashi suma elementary school. At night on 16th October, an explanatory meeting for guardians was held. They explained the actual contents of bullying and subsequent measure of the school and read the apology comments of each 4 perpetrator teachers. The meeting was not to the public. About 400 guardians attended. The voices of “the explanations are not enough.” “attacker teachers should apologize in front of children.” were increasing among the guardians.

みなさま、こんにちは! 読売新聞のデジタル版に、神戸市東須磨小学校のその後の状況が書いてありました。10月16日の夜、同校で保護者向けの説明会が開かれたそうです。具体的なイジメの内容や今後の学校の対応などが説明され、加害教諭4人の謝罪コメントが読み上げられたらしい。説明会は非公開で、保護者ら約400人が出席した。保護者からは、「説明が不十分」「加害教諭が子供や保護者の前で直接謝罪すべき」などの声が相次いだ。

Do not hide yourselves. Come out!

Some students are too scared to go to school. Including students who go to the school, their trust in their teachers was set to zero. How unhappy they are to lose confidence in adults even though they are just children! Assailant teachers should come to the meeting and read the apology comment by themselves. Why does mass media need to hide their manes and faces? Is it because they are not charged with injury yet? I always get angry at mass media: they tend to concentrate on victims and cover-up for perpetrators. Because many people protect attackers, their heart is rotten to the core! Expose them to the public! I’m pissed off!


怖がって学校に行けなくなった児童もいるという。学校に通っている児童を含めて、子ども達の先生に対する信頼感はゼロになったわけです。まだ子供でありながら、大人への信頼感を失うのはなんと不幸なことなんでしょう。加害教諭は謝罪文を読みに自ら足を運んでくるべきです。なぜマスコミは加害教諭の名前も顔も隠すのでしょうか? まだ傷害罪として告訴されていないからですか? 日本では、被害者のほうばかりに目がいって、加害者をかばい過ぎる傾向があることに対して腹立たしいです。いつも周りが加害者をかばうから、奴らには性根がないんだよ! さらしもんにしたれーや! 腹が立ちます。

Why do they need to remodel the “Family studies room”? You are an idiot!

It was in the Family studies room that attackers forced a victim teacher to eat super spicy curry, and rub the curry on the victim’s eyes. The school said that they renovate the Family studies room. The classroom has nothing to do with this bullying. Do you think that bullying would happen due to the class room’s structure? Say, “incidentally, remove the food curry from the world.” You are a bloody fool! Anyway, this school might put the blame on something: “the classroom is bad.” “The curry is bad.” “the address of the school is bad.” “the position of the school’s main entrance is bad.” and so on. I can imagine that they would put their sin on something besides teachers endlessly. They also said that they were thinking about the project which students can enjoy. They are messed up in the head. Before assuming that simple plan, apologize in front of students! The teacher who should protect children injured their coworker. The most important thing is bowing and apologizing in front of the students!

家庭科室を改善する? 完全なアホですね。

被害教諭が激辛カレーを無理やり食べさせられたり、目にカレーをこすりつけられたりした現場は家庭科室でした。学校側はその家庭科室を改善する、と言っています。家庭科室の構造は今回の事件とは無関係です。イジメを誘発するような教室の構造ってあるんですかね? 「ついでにカレーという食べ物を日本から排除してほしい」とでも言ってみろ! 馬鹿野郎! この学校のことだから、教室が悪い、カレーが悪い、学校の場所が悪い、学校の正門の位置がよくない、など、際限なく職員以外のせいにしようとしそうだ。また、児童が楽しめる企画を考えている、とも言っているそうです。やっぱりアホですね。そんな企画よりも、加害者が子供達の前で謝るのが先ですよ。子どもを保護すべき教師が、人を傷つける行為をしたわけですから、まずは児童の前で頭を下げて謝らないでどうするんですか!

Fire all attacker teachers

I’m so happy that we have the internet. These kinds of people could never understand anything that they did unless they come under public scrutiny. Japan is a strange country because such people can become teachers. The government should close this school and transfer all students to other schools. Even if bullying is not so terrible, like in this school, bullying happens everywhere. It is the same both in a company and in a family. It is the Japanese characteristics to pretend not to see bullying. They believe that pretending not to see is to protect themselves against any possible dangers. A victim is becoming lonely and cannot find an ally. Notably, in an organization, they tend to press out bullying because they think that it is troublesome to do after-treatment if they admit bullying. The school and the board of education are accomplices. Even in a company, if the labor union or Labor Standards Inspection Office turns you away, there will be no solution. If many persons are bullied, weak people might stick together. But in many cases, it is the characteristics of bullying that many people bully only one target. I’m glad that the victim put the audience on his side by net casting this case. Even though the audience of the internet would not help the victim directly, they all are on the victim’s hand.



A part of the apology letters

Male teacher A (the 30s)
I’m sorry for causing these dangerous situations, which are forbidden. I want to apologize to the victim’s family in person.

Male teacher B (the 30s)
I have taken behaviors that lack consideration. I realized that I am the worst. I think what I did is shameful as a member of society and a human.

Male teacher C (the 30s)
Students of Kobe-shi Higashi suma elementary school are honest and bight. I hope these good points to improve. But, I decelerated their growth by my behavior.

Female teacher B (the 40s)
I didn’t notice that my behavior was wrong. It’s tough for me to see a victim teacher suffering because I have given him lots of love.






Did she treat him kindly?

I’m sure that she doesn’t have a commonsense. I want her to go to see a doctor because she didn’t notice that her behavior is wrong. Moreover, the sense that she gave a victim lots of love is already abnormal. She might understand the mind of the same passion for him when someone rubs the curry on her eyes. It is easy for even an infant to understand that eyes hurt to get foreign matters. But, she didn’t know even its simple thing. I do want to see the inside of her brain. Additionally, how could she hand this childish apology letter to the school? Shameful conduct! The school doesn’t feel embarrassed to read this stupid letter, do they? This school is quite strange. Anyway, not only attacker teachers in this case but also these people like them are annoying everywhere. I want to see their parent’s faces who brought up kids like this.


この女性教諭は、常識的な感性を持っていないと思われます。まず、自分の行動が間違っていることに気付かなかったというのだから、ちゃんと病院に診察に行ってほしいものです。しかも、被害者を可愛がっていたという感覚がもはや普通ではありませんね。この女にも、目の中にカレーを入れてみたら、可愛がってもらっている感覚がよく分かるかもしれません。目の中に物を入れられたら痛い、というのは幼児でも分かります。それが分からないのですから、どんな脳みその仕組みをしているのか、頭の中をのぞいてみたいです。しかも、こんな幼稚な謝罪文を、よくぞ学校に提出したものだ。恥ずかしい! こんな文章を読んで学校も恥ずかしいと思わないのですかね? 本当に不思議な学校です。とにかく、教員という職業だけではなく、こういう人達はどこにいても迷惑きわまりない。こういう人間に育てた親の顔が見てみたい。

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