Nothing increases or decreases・不増不減
Hello. Friends! I tried tapioca balls at Tully’s coffee. I have recently had it. It is too late. Will you love it for the rest of your life? I don’t think so. I will not like it so much. Many young people are really into tapioca these days in Japan. The trend is amazing! There is always a long line at the Kamiyacho Shareo branch of Gong cha. As for me, I don’t feel like getting in a quite long queue. I ordered Matcha latte with tapioca balls at Tully’s coffee.
みなさま、こんにちは! Tully’sコーヒーに行ってタピオカを食べてみました。今頃になってやっとトライしてみました。遅すぎますね^^ 何回も食べたくなるほどヤミツキにはなりそうもないです。流行ってすごいね。ゴンチャ紙屋町シャレオ店はいつも行列ができています。私の場合は、とても並ぶ気になれず、Tully’sコーヒーで抹茶ラテにタピオカを入れてもらいました。
I ordered a piece of cake as well.
Dubious black things at the bottom of the Matcha latte are tapioca balls. They are soft like rice balls and springy like gummies. There was no way but swallow as I couldn’t bite off. I thought that small balls dancing in my mouth were very lovely.
Nothing increases or decreases.
There is “Nothing increases or decreases (不増不減)in Heart Sutra. It means that everything is neither increase nor decrease because it is valid. All things seem to be increasing or decreasing because it separates from each other: we exist separately as we say “yourself,” “myself,” “themselves.” However, everything doesn’t exist, so all things are neither increasing nor decreasing. I am sure that various stores made lots of money due to tapioca balls. If someone loves it and eats it every day, he or she might have run out of pocket money soon. I think tapioca is expensive. But, in the real world, nobody is earning and suffering a loss.
God never minds who are making a lot of money.
God never wants to let someone make money because he is kind. Conversely, God never tries to make somebody lose money because he is a bad guy. I guess that a person who makes a lot of money can get inspiration. So, both you and I might have a chance to become wealthy, don’t you? Some are relatively rich after they made a tremendous effort and saved money continuously, and others become wealthy with just good luck without so much energy. How many universes on earth are there? I imagine that God is huger than the universe we know. God couldn’t distinguish between 1 dollar and 1 trillion dollars due to its enormous size. I guess that God couldn’t recognize that 1 dollar is almost equal to 1 trillion dollars. If the wave motion of the universe were flowing here and there, I feel that everybody could get money or things he or she hopes. I wish God could give me 1 one hundred million yen^^
神様は、あの人はいい人だから儲けさせてあげよう、とは思いません。逆に、あの人は悪い人だから損をさせてやろう、とも思いません。儲ける人って、一瞬のひらめきをキャッチする人なんでしょうね。だから、あなたにも、私にも、大金もちになる可能性がありますよ。物凄い努力をして、物凄い節約をして、やっと小金持ちになれる人もいれば、大した努力もせず、ほとんど運だけで大金持ちになる人もいる。宇宙は一体何個あるのでしょう? 神様はきっと宇宙よりも大きいのだと思います。あまりにも大きすぎて、神様には、一円と一兆円の区別がつかないのです。神様から見たら一円も一兆円もほとんど同じ金額じゃないですかね。宇宙の波動があちらこちらに流れているのなら、誰でも希望通りの物やお金をゲットできそうな気がします。一億円位くれてもいいのになぁ。
We exist in a delicate balance.
Living in Japan, Living in this house, living in this region, being a woman, being with my family, having my job, etc. In the circumstance I’m in, nothing is more suitable for me besides everything that I have now. All things suit me without the least difference. Everything in detail, including a pen I’m using, glasses, a PC, a car is suitable to me most. How I shout, said, “I don’t like this lemon car,” something that we cannot see wouldn’t let me buy a new car. The situation is changing on and on. Invisible Great being is painting the picture. It sometimes draws a curve and sometimes paints a straight line as accurate as we can’t imagine. And the circumstance most appropriate to me is also changing as the consciousness of the universe is. I will do my best when the time comes, and I will take a rest when I need a rest. It is for approaching enlightenment that we are living a delicate balance.
Life itself is an excellent treasure.
According to Non-duality, life or being alive is all. When we avoid or postpone suffering and concentrate on only fun things, the pain will never be gone. Under that situation, even though we are doing something fun, annoying is always sticking in the back of our heads. Let’s taste our life. When we suffer, we had better suffer radically. All kinds of distress: suffering from being stuck, pain ending just a bit later, the agony that we should die, all shocks might lead to enlightenment. As for my idea, understanding is that we merge with the energy of cosmos: It is enlightenment to notice that our existence is part of the vast love wave which will never change.
To people suffering from self-responsibility
This world is just an image like a video, and everything visible does not exist actually. Feeling and thought arising have nothing to do with you. You might reflect on what you did, or you might change your behavior. But Yema, or judge of the afterlife, will never punish you for what you did. I believe that.
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