What we can do with money・お金でできること
Hi. There! What are things that we cannot buy with money? We can buy most of the stuff with cash. How about wisdom we get through experience and information? We need money to experience something or to buy a book to get information, don’t we? Then, how do you think about family ties? At a glance, it seems to be unable to buy it with money. But money is necessary to have a family. Not a few families break up due to poverty. A person who lacks money suffers from poverty which is called Kinketubyo in Japanese. What can we do to prevent poverty?
みなさま、こんにちは! お金では買えないものって何でしょう? ほとんどのものがお金で買えます。経験や情報から得た知恵はどうでしょうか? 何かを経験したり、本などを買って情報を得るにはお金が必要ですよね? じゃあ、家族の絆はどうでしょうか? 一見してお金では買えないもののように見えます。しかし、家族が成り立つためにはお金が必要です。お金がないために破局を迎える家族も少なくないのです。お金がないという状態は、金欠病という病気にかかっている状態です。金欠病にならないようにどんな工夫ができるのでしょうか?

御金神社の鬼瓦・Onigawara of Mikane shrine. You might win the lottery if you visit this shrine.
Happiness and unhappiness which arise from a body
I think that all unhappiness arises from a body. On the other hand, we can feel happy with our bodies. All creatures cannot live without food. It is a sad reality that we work to keep our bodies. But almost people work to eat in Japan. The idea that having a social aid is shameful remains deeply in Japan; not a few people have support from his family in poverty. On past news, there were lots of illegal receipt of livelihood protection. It might affect the poor. It became difficult for the poor to have social aid a moment in the past. On 23th May 2006, they found a man who starved to death at Moji-Ku Kitakyusyu in Japan. They say that a man’s children were also weak and various reasons made them unable to take care of him. A man often went to the ward office and tried to get social aid. But he couldn’t get livelihood protection; they told him to have his family take care of himself. I think it is natural for people suffering from poverty and having nothing to help them to receive public assistance. Anyone arose from Oneness of the universe. I hope society to help each other powerfully.
Poverty makes us have no room in our minds.
Poverty destroys a human relationship in both the home and society. It deprives us of not only interpersonal relations but also health. It comes to nothing if we lose health after we stop using an air conditioner to save money on electricity or give up taking a bath to lower the water bill. A stormy relationship would continue in that everyone’s opinions differ from each other; how much money we should save. In an office, corporate downsizing happens due to depression, and everybody is afraid of being fired, said who will be the next one. Poverty causes unhappiness one after another: family breakdown, unemployment, pathogenesis. Nowadays, the gap between the rich and the poor is expanding. Naturally, the population is decreasing because nobody could have a family without money. Nobody comes to be unable to support his wife and child without wealth. What if all the poor disappear from the world and only the abundant remains? Human desire will never be gone. It is a human that he wants more no matter how many things he gets. Don’t’ you think that things a human wants might change after only the rich survive?
金欠病は家庭でも会社でも対人関係を破壊します。対人関係どころか健康まで奪われてしまいます。電気代を節約すると言ってクーラーを付けなかったり、水道代を節約すると言って風呂に入らなかったり、節約したために病気になったのでは元も子もありません。どの程度の節約をするのかという点で、意見の食い違いから喧嘩が絶えなくなるのです。会社では、不景気からリストラが起こり、次は誰の番だ? と言ってビクビクしていなければなりません。家庭崩壊、失業、発病、など金欠病は次々と不幸を呼び込みます。現代は貧富の差がどんどん拡大している時代です。人口が減少するのは当然ですね。お金がないと家庭をもつことはできませんから。奥さんも子供も養えません。世界から貧乏人が消えてお金持ちだけになったらどうなるのでしょうね? 人間の欲望は尽きることがありません。欲しい物をどんなに手にいれても、もっと欲しいのが人間です。お金持ちだけが生き残ったら、手に入れたい対象が変化するのではないでしょうか。
Prevent poverty as long as we are alive!
We shouldn’t suffer from poverty as long as we live. At present, we won’t die by the roadside in Japan. Not being ashamed, but one had better receive social aid to maintain one’s life. It is essential for people who have no income besides old-age pension not to spend much money. It is vital to save money because he cannot earn. Minor enterprises permit staffs to do side jobs recently. I think it is suitable for a healthy person who can work to do other business. Someone who says, “What’s the point in doing that at work? Don’t waste time!” might appear. However, if you are trying your business little by little, you might succeed in your original business even though it is your amateur business. Unless you do anything, the result will be nothing forever. Consumption tax will be 10% next month. We will have to pay 100 yen as a sales tax to the price of 1000 yen. I expect that people will not buy so many because it is easy to calculate a consumption tax, don’t you? I hope that Japan will not be under depression more after money doesn’t circulate.
命あるかぎり金欠病になってはいけません。今のところ、日本に住んでいるかぎり、野垂れ死にすることはないでしょう。恥という感情をもたず、命を維持するために生活保護をもらったらいいのです。老齢年金などをもらっていてそれ以外の収入がない人は、お金を使わないことが大切! 入ってこないのですから使わないようにすることが肝心! 最近は中小企業は不景気なため副業を許しています。健康で働ける人は副業をするのもいいですね。「そんなことをやって何になるの? 時間の無駄使いはやめなさい」と言う人が現れそうですが、自分で考えた商売でも、コツコツやっていれば、ものになるかもしれません。何もしなければ、結果は永久にゼロです。来月から消費税が10%になります。1000円で100円の消費税を支払うことになります。計算しやすい数字だから物が売れなくなる可能性がありますよね。お金が回らなくなってさらに不景気にならないように祈ります。
We can buy most of the things with money.
When it comes to the things we cannot buy with money, they are a human mind and his natural brain. A heart includes friendship and love. Excellent brain with brilliant talent comes from the gene. At present, we can’t buy them with cash. However, if you have average friendships and love of parents, do you need to obtain somebody’s mind you like with money? You don’t need love you bought with cash, do you? And, even though you don’t have any talent, you could hire a person who has the excellent ability. AI is active recently, so also if you cannot buy the gene to your brain, why don’t you buy AI?
お金で買えないものと言えば、人のこころや生まれながらの頭脳ですね。人のこころの中には友情や愛情が含まれています。すぐれた才能を持っている頭脳は、生まれながらの遺伝子から来ています。いまのところ、これはお金では買えないでしょう。しかしですよ、平均的な友達関係や親子の愛情などがあれば、お金を出してまで好きな人の心を買いたいと思いますか? お金で買った愛情なんていりませんよね? それに才能がなくても、お金で才能のある人を雇ったらいいわけです。最近はAIが活躍していますから、自分の脳みそに植え付ける遺伝子を買うことはできなくても、お金があればAIを買ったらいいのです。
No matter how thin love you were brought up with, no matter little talent you have, you will not starve to death if you have enough money. We need money to be alive. According to Non-duality, Thinking this way might be a quite nonsense illusion. Both of the facts exist separately; you are alive, and you have enough money. And they have nothing to do with each other. The idea that we cannot eat any food without money is just a story that arises from thinking. This is the idea that it is hard for us to understand because we are eating with the money we earned. But the day might come that Non-duality helps us live comfortably at the end of capitalism.
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Torii of Mikane shrine
die by the roadside
at present
livelihood subsidies
public assistance
social aid
retirement pension
old-age pension
minor enterprises
small-to-medium-sized enterprise
what’s the point in doing that at work?
consumption tax
sales tax