The surprising benefits of being a loner・孤独の驚くべき利点
Hi. Friends! Hope you are doing well. Today, I’ going to think about a loner. Do you have lots of friends or few friends? Having lots of friends is not always good, I think. On the contrary, this BBC video shows us that loneliness can give us surprising benefits. This video is a must-see for people who want to be a creative individual. I translated English on a video into Japanese. Let’s watch it!
みなさま、こんにちは! いかがお過ごしですか? 今日は孤独を好む人について考えてみようと思います。あなたはたくさんの友達がいますか? それともほとんどいない? 友達は多ければいいというものではないと思うんです。それどころか、このBBCのビデオでは孤独がもたらす利点について語ってくれています。クリエイティブな人になりたい人には必見ですよ。ビデオの英語は日本語にしました。レッツウオッチイット!
BBC IDEAS ☜ Click here. Let’s watch it! ここをクリックしてね💗
Manhattan in New York 💗
Loneliness has been called an epidemic of the modern era. The UK government has even called it one of the greatest public health challenges of our time. And the research shows that social isolation is linked to heart disease, stroke and premature death. It’s absolutely true that feeling more isolated than you would like to be can be harmful.
That’s especially the case if it’s a long term chronic feeling, which can lead to sadness and depression. And it’s also true that even temporary stints of extreme social isolation like the solitary confinement of prisoners can lead to poor health outcomes. But all of this bad press paid to loneliness can make those of us who are a little bit more socially reclusive wonder if we’re hurting our health long term, too. Luckily the research doesn’t hold that up.
First of all, it’s important to clarify that you can be lonely anywhere even at a party, or in a crowd. Loneliness doesn’t necessarily have to do with the number of people around you. It’s whether you feel connected to, and understood by, the people around you. And how much connection each person needs totally varies. Introverts, for example, tend to have fewer friendships. So, from the outside, you might worry if they’re lonely. But studies have found that the friendships introverts do have tend to be stronger. And having high-quality friendships over a lot of friendships has been linked to being happier overall.
Meanwhile, even for people who aren’t introverts, sometimes acting like a loner can have benefits. For one thing, being alone can be relaxing. In one survey of 18,000 people from around the world, the BBC found that the five most popular restful activities were all usually done alone, like reading. The third most popular was actually, literally, spending time alone. While seeing friends and family was 12th. Being more reclusive has also been linked to being more creative. And it’s important for mental focus.
Plenty of research on mindfulness has shown us that stillness activates the brain’s default mode network, the part of the brain that is key for consolidating memory, promoting empathy and firing up new ideas. There’s a reason why you get your best ideas in the bath or on a walk alone. Of course, this is all aloneness, not loneliness. But there’s a potential upside to a temporary feeling of loneliness too. In the same way that feeling thirsty reminds us to get water, feeling lonely is a good signal that we need to improve or expand our connections.
So, the next time that you want to say no to a social engagement, let yourself. Obviously if this becomes a sudden trend or is linked to symptoms of depression, it’s worth paying attention to or seeking medical advice for. But if it’s just the way you’ve always preferred to operate, don’t worry. Being a loner doesn’t have to mean being lonely and it might just make you happier.
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