Hi. friends ! Do you know the word “kurukuru” ? It means the action of rolling something up tightly. Today, I used this mysterious kurukuru action in cooking. I kurukurued pork around tuyu bean. Don’t you think the sound of “kurukuru ” is very lovely? This time, I decided to use “kurukuru” as a verb of English.
こんにちは! 「クルクル」という言葉を知っていますか? 何かをぎゅっと巻き付けるという意味です。今日は、このミステリアスなクルクルアクションを料理に使ってみました。つゆ豆を豚肉でクルクルやったわけです。「クルクル」ってかわいい響きですね。もう英語の動詞として使っちゃいます。
pork/tuyu bean/salt and pepper
How to cook・作り方
①remove strings from tuyu beans, saute them in a pan, and sprinkle salt and pepper on them. Cool them in a refrigerator.
②kurukuru pork around 3 to 4 tyu beans.
③grill ②in a pan.
④add shredded cabbage to the dish. You are done.
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