奇跡の生き残り!・The miraculous survival !
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みなさま、こんにちは! 今日は、旧日本銀行広島支店を紹介します。1945年8月6日8時45分に広島に原爆が投下されました。爆心地からわずか380メートルのところにあった日本銀行広島支店はその外形を残しました。内部は破壊されて42名の犠牲がでました。次の写真は、原爆投下後に復興工事をしている写真です。
最後まで観てくださりありがとうございます。これらの建物は、二度と同じ過ちを犯さないように平和への願いを発信するとともに、私達に強い精神力を伝えているように思います。今の経済不況は爆弾のように直接的に体を破壊するものではありませんが、私達は経済爆弾を浴びているような気がします。目に見えない爆弾だからこそ不気味で不安になります。今年から消費税が10%になります。仕事も少なくなり、生活はもっと苦しくなるでしょう。しかし、広島市民にはエネルギーがあふれています。どんな不況でも乗り越えられるパワーがみなぎっています。できる限りの工夫と努力を重ね、目の前にある自分の仕事をひとつ、またひとつと、こなしていくのです。未来に希望を持って、一瞬のひらめきを宝として生き抜く! そう! 天は自ら助くるものを助く、と言います。
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The miraculous survival !
Hello. Friends! Today, I will introduce the Hiroshima branch of the bank of Japan. The atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima on August 6th in 1945. The bank of Japan was only 380 meters away from the center of the explosion. Yet, it retained its original form. Unfortunately, the interior of this building was severely destroyed, and forty-two persons inside were killed. This picture was taken when the exterior of the bank was being repaired after the bombing.
Most of the banks were destroyed, so they partitioned this bank to begin work on August 8th. Now, the old Hiroshima branch of the bank of Japan is Registered Tangible Cultural Properties; since August 2000, Hiroshima city has received a free loan from the bank of Japan and has maintained it. Hiroshima city opens this building to the public and uses it as “the place of art and cultural activities by residents”.
Now, a photo exhibition has been held. Beautiful scenery! The daily casual expression on people’s faces! Animal’s innocent gesture! I was very impressed by many nice pictures full of vivid vitality. Admission is free. By all means, everyone, please try and go.
The building has open ceiling space, and you can see the beautiful interior from the second floor. You can also see the room that the staff was using as a cafeteria. The old-fashioned interior was awe-inspiring.
One letter was written by a bank’s general manager, which shows that surviving staff was making their maximum effort for revival. I believe that surviving people’s enthusiasm working under a miserable condition has been alive in Hiroshima people’s spirits. They began work on August 8th. Because the roof was destroyed by the blast, they were working with umbrellas up on rainy days. The rescue operation started immediately after the bombing in the city. They said that tramcars were restored three days later. Hiroshima people took the first step in living in this city with fixed determination after the bombing. It was noted that every plant would never grow for more than 70 years. But Hiroshima city has developed into an international peace culture city.
I will introduce one more peace memorial museum. There is a Hiroshima city Fukuro-machi elementary school at the back of the old Hiroshima branch of the bank of Japan. It is a short walk. It was located only 460 meters from the hypocenter. The school’s wooden buildings were knocked down and ultimately burned, leaving only the outer shell of the west tower, a ferroconcrete structure. One part of it became a memorial museum. Immediately after the bombing, this building was turned into a relief station. During that period, many people wrote messages passing on the latest news of survivors’ whereabouts on the walls, some of which remain today.
These pictures show how severe the blast was. It is only 74 years ago that the terrible bombing happed. Even 100 years have not passed yet after the bombing. With the passing of the years, memories of the bombing are fading. I think we Hiroshima people and Nagasaki people must hand down this terrible memory.
This drum was said to have been blown into the schoolyard by the A-bomb blast. At Fukuro-machi National School, this drum was kept in the hallway of the west building and struck at daily school opening and closing ceremonies.
Door, doorknob, and wall with lots of damages.
Thank you for watching and reading my blog through to the end. This building tells essential information that we should not make the same mistake and tell us a strong mind. Current economic stagnation will not destroy our bodies directly, but we are being bombed by economic bombs. It is eerie and nervous all the more because a financial bomb is invisible. From this year, the consumption tax rate will be increased by 10 percent. It will be harder to find a job, and life will be more difficult. But we Hiroshima people are full of energy and power that makes us overcome the recession. With effort and device as much as possible, all we can do is doing our work before us one by one. With hope in our future, we survive and continue living with a single flash of insight in our hands. Yes!! Heaven helps those who help themselves.
When you come to Hiroshima city full of energy and power, besides the Atomic Dome, I encourage all of you to go to this small memorial museum.
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